Load testing with BlazeMeter

Some time ago I wrote a post about using jMeter to benchmark performance of a web application. Apache jMeter is a great piece of software and I strongly recommend it but it’s not everything. You also need a high capacity bandwidth and a reliable hosts to run a test from. You often need more than […]
How to improve PHP programming skills

“How do I improve my PHP skills?” is a recurring question on various boards and chats. It’s often asked by newbies but even experienced developers ask themselves the same thing. After all trying to be better is in the human nature. This is a deep question and when you think about it there isn’t a […]
Reading PHP session from Varnish Cache

In my previous post I showed how to integrate Varnish Cache with a PHP application. The example can solve various simple problems but it might not be enough for a complex software. A good example is a multilingual application. One URL can have multiple caches. You might also need to know more about a user […]
Integrating Varnish Cache with a PHP application

Varnish Cache is a web application accelerator. It stands in front of a web server and can cache any type of data. It stores data in memory and can speed up your application by a factor of 300-1000x depending on your architecture.