API-based Web Application with Backbone, Require.js and Slim framework

A single-page application (SPA) was something I’ve been exploring for the last few months. I always liked the idea of moving certain responsibilities to the client’s side. After all, why would you like to waste server’s RAM/CPU to buil a HTML page (and pay for a transfer to deliver it) when a web browser is […]
Continuous Integration for PHP with Jenkins

Today I would like to show you how to setup an continues integration server for a PHP project with Jenkins. If you don’t know what the continues integration is have a look at Wikipedia. In a simple words It can be explained as a process of frequent commits to the project’s mainline and running all […]
Sucesfull planning in software development

All successful people have a plan. They plan literally everything from work related stuff to details of their personal live. One of my friends used to plan how much he’s going to earn the next day. He used to make up a number and write a short sentence in his notebook like “Tomorrow I’m going […]