Comments on: Serial communication between Arduino and PHP with a protocol Software Design & Programming Wed, 04 Feb 2015 09:28:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lukasz Kujawa Mon, 05 Aug 2013 19:45:30 +0000 Hi Fieg,

By default every new serial connection restarts Arduino. This is how they put the board together by design.

Inserting the mentioned capacitor between GND and RST makes the device “ignore” reset action (the button won’t also work). Why that exactly happens I can only guess but this is an official recommendation on the Arduino’s website.

By: Fieg Mon, 05 Aug 2013 19:19:11 +0000 Hi, great article. Can you explain this:

> If you are not using 10uF capacitor (from RST to GRD) remember
> that Arduino will restart on every fopen

Why would the Arduino restart without the capacitor?
