Automated backups to Google Drive with PHP API

Where do you keep backups? I guess that depends on what do you backup. You might have a very clever answer for a business critical data but what about less important content? The best example would be a private blog. It will hurt if you lose your data but the odds are you’re not willing to pay for any reliable storage. If you care enough to backup it’s going to be to another server (if you own one), your own laptop or external hard drive. S3 is gaining popularity but not everybody have and want to open account on Amazon. On the other hand there is one reliable storage, which is 100% free and almost everybody have access to it. Yes, I’m talking about Google Drive.
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Painless guide to Solr Cloud configuration

“Cloud” become very ambiguous term and it can mean virtually anything those days. If you are not familiar with Solr Cloud think about it as one logical service hosted on multiple servers. Distributed architecture helps with scaling, fault tolerance, distributed indexing and generally speaking improves search capabilities.

All of that is very exciting and I’m highly impressed how the service is designed but… it’s relatively new product. If you play with the tutorial (which by the way is great) running multiple services on the same host does’t cause problems. Setting the service for production environment and using it is a different story. There are still some unresolved issues which can confuse for hours if not days.
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Beginners guide to Amazon Cloud

Everybody heard about Amazon Cloud. It has been around for a good few years. Despite its popularity not everybody had a chance to try it. Amazon tries it best to get more people on board by offering “Micro” versions of their web service for free. If you are into technology or just want a quality hosting for your website, it’s worth getting familiar with AWS. After all.. can you beat free?
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