Benchmarking Amazon EC2 instance for a Web Server

For the last few days I’ve been testing Amazon web services (AWS). I’m looking for a reliable and scalable hosting provider to host Gloople e-commerce platform. Feature wise AWS is amazing. It offers literally everything an enterprise application might need. In fact, they offer so many services (and various configurations of those services) it might […]
Creating a Chat server in PHP with sockets, forks and pipes

In my previous post I showed how to create a multi process socket server in PHP with pcntl_fork. This time I’m going to extend this example and write a chat server. Chat is far more challenging because you not only have to handle simultaneous connections but also allow communications between processes. Inter process communication (IPC) […]
Multi threaded Socket Server in PHP with fork

When you create your first socket server you will quickly realise that one thread is not enough. In a single thread architecture a server can’t handle more then one connection at the time. It’s undesired because in most cases there will be simultaneous connections.
Connecting PHP with Arduino via serial port on Linux

Arduino changed the word. Everybody can make an astonishing project without a degree in electronic. If you are a programmer soon or later you will get an idea of connecting it to a computer. If you are a PHP programmer you will most likely want to use PHP to talk to the Arduino.
Setup Virtual Host in 0 sec

Creating a new web application in a development environment looks always the same. Download source code, create a new virtual host and add an entry to the etc/host file. It doesn’t take a great amount of time for an experience Apache user but it’s boring.