Hacking PHP syntax

Have you ever though how to extend the core of PHP? What does it take to create a new keyword or even design a whole new syntax? If you have some basic knowledge about C you shouldn’t have any problem with making small changes. Yes, I know it might be little bit pointless but it […]
Performance benchmark of popular PHP frameworks

There are many assumptions around performance of different PHP frameworks. I frequently hear strong opinions about superiority X over Y in this context. There are companies writing new PHP frameworks from scratch because available solutions are too slow for them. What does it really mean? Does the framework performance matters? Before answering this questions lets […]
Automated backups to Google Drive with PHP API

Where do you keep backups? I guess that depends on what do you backup. You might have a very clever answer for a business critical data but what about less important content? The best example would be a private blog. It will hurt if you lose your data but the odds are you’re not willing […]
Deploying PHP applications with Phing

How many steps are required to deploy your software? Some people say it shouldn’t be more than one. I’m little bit more relaxed about it so I would say two steps are still fine. If it takes more than two then most likely you need a build script. Why do you need a build script? […]
Distributed application in PHP with Apache Zookeeper

Apache ZooKeeper is the coolest technology I recently came across. I found it when I was doing a research about Solr Cloud features. I got very impressed by Solr’s distributed computing. You literately have to fire a new instance and it will automatically find its place in “the cloud”. It will assign itself to a […]
Faker – The ultimate Lorem Ipsum for PHP

From time to time we all have to work with data which doesn’t exist. The best example is web development. Front-end developers create HTML and CSS before any web content is created. The common practice is to use Lorem Impsum which proved to be effective strategy. It’s not much different with back-end programming. We need […]
Integrate PHP application with Solr search engine

So why do you need a search engine, is database not enough? If you create a small website it might not matter. With medium or big size applications it’s often wiser to go for a search engine. Saying that, even a small websites can benefit from Solr if you desire a high level of relevance […]
Serial communication between Arduino and PHP with a protocol

In my previous post I discussed basics of serial communication between Arduino and PHP. Theory behind it is very simple. It all comes down to writing to a file. Simplicity of the serial communication paradoxically might contribute to confusion and surprising results. Serial device is like a black hole when you think about it. You […]