Cache like a Pro with Memcached

Posted by on Feb 16, 2013 in Environment, PHP Programming | No Comments
Cache like a Pro with Memcached

Every application have a bottle neck. It might be a database query, request to an external service, hard drive I/O or an expensive algorithm. Even if the software is running smoothly it might be necessary to optimise in order to handle higher traffic. Significant part of optimisation is caching.

Creating a Chat server in PHP with sockets, forks and pipes

Posted by on Feb 9, 2013 in Linux, PHP Programming | 2 Comments
Creating a Chat server in PHP with sockets, forks and pipes

In my previous post I showed how to create a multi process socket server in PHP with pcntl_fork. This time I’m going to extend this example and write a chat server. Chat is far more challenging because you not only have to handle simultaneous connections but also allow communications between processes. Inter process communication (IPC) […]

Multi threaded Socket Server in PHP with fork

Posted by on Feb 4, 2013 in Linux, PHP Programming | One Comment
Multi threaded Socket Server in PHP with fork

When you create your first socket server you will quickly realise that one thread is not enough. In a single thread architecture a server can’t handle more then one connection at the time. It’s undesired because in most cases there will be simultaneous connections.

Boost productivity with Eclipse shortcuts

Posted by on Jan 30, 2013 in PHP Programming | 2 Comments
Boost productivity with Eclipse shortcuts

Have you ever wondered how to improve productivity? There are many ways which requires different level of commitment and time to learn. One of the simplest yet very powerful is taking advantage of keyboard shortcuts in your IDE.

Connecting PHP with Arduino via serial port on Linux

Posted by on Jan 26, 2013 in Arduino, Linux, PHP Programming | One Comment
Connecting PHP with Arduino via serial port on Linux

Arduino changed the word. Everybody can make an astonishing project without a degree in electronic. If you are a programmer soon or later you will get an idea of connecting it to a computer. If you are a PHP programmer you will most likely want to use PHP to talk to the Arduino.

PHP Deamon

Posted by on Oct 5, 2012 in PHP Programming | No Comments
PHP Deamon

Not every problem can be solved with an aid of a cronjob. Sometimes a real time background process is required. The most common approach is to create an ordinary script and run it from command line with “&” character at the end.