Comments on: Boost WordPress performance with Varnish Cache Sat, 23 Apr 2016 06:20:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Prasenjit Fri, 11 Jul 2014 16:27:41 +0000 Hi Lucasz,

Thanks for the configs. I am new to Varnish and am trying to configure it on a test site. I can see that the Varnish headers are being added, but when I do “varnishstat”, I get the below output. Hit ratio and hitrate avg is always 0. Can you point me to the right direction what the below output means?

Hitrate ratio:        0        0        0
Hitrate avg:     0.0000   0.0000   0.0000

          41         0.00          inf backend_busy - Backend conn. too many
          67         0.00          inf backend_reuse - Backend conn. reuses
          10         0.00          inf backend_toolate - Backend conn. was closed
          17         0.00          inf backend_retry - Backend conn. retry
          15         0.00          inf fetch_head - Fetch head
          42         0.00          inf fetch_bad - Fetch had bad headers
           9         0.00          inf fetch_close - Fetch wanted close
          54         0.00          inf fetch_oldhttp - Fetch pre HTTP/1.1 closed
           3         0.00          inf fetch_1xx - Fetch no body (1xx)
          51         0.00          inf fetch_204 - Fetch no body (204)
          15          .            .   n_wrk - N worker threads
          16         0.00          inf n_wrk_failed - N worker threads not created
          21         0.00          inf n_wrk_lqueue - work request queue length
          22         0.00          inf n_wrk_queued - N queued work requests
           6         0.00          inf n_wrk_drop - N dropped work requests
           3          .            .   n_backend - N backends
          50          .            .   n_expired - N expired objects
          50          .            .   n_lru_nuked - N LRU nuked objects
           1         0.00          inf s_sess - Total Sessions
           1         0.00          inf s_req - Total Requests
          10         0.00          inf s_pass - Total pass
          58         0.00          inf s_bodybytes - Total body bytes
          41         0.00          inf sess_pipeline - Session Pipeline
          67         0.00          inf sess_readahead - Session Read Ahead
           3         0.00          inf sess_linger - Session Linger
          37         0.00          inf sess_herd - Session herd
          54         0.00          inf shm_records - SHM records
       39194         0.00          inf shm_writes - SHM writes
      868727         0.00          inf shm_flushes - SHM flushes due to overflow
           4         0.00          inf shm_cont - SHM MTX contention
          64          .            .   sms_nobj - SMS outstanding allocations
          63          .            .   sms_nbytes - SMS outstanding bytes
        6797          .            .   sms_balloc - SMS bytes allocated
        1111          .            .   sms_bfree - SMS bytes freed
          54         0.00          inf n_ban_re_test - N regexps tested against
           1         0.00          inf n_ban_dups - N duplicate bans removed
           1         0.00          inf hcb_nolock - HCB Lookups without lock
           1         0.00          inf hcb_insert - HCB Inserts
           1         0.00          inf esi_errors - ESI parse errors (unlock)
           1         0.00          inf esi_warnings - ESI parse warnings (unlock)
          27         0.00          inf dir_dns_failed - DNS director failed lookups
          17         0.00          inf dir_dns_hit - DNS director cached lookups hit
          17         0.00          inf dir_dns_cache_full - DNS director full dnscache



By: Ian Chard Mon, 23 Jun 2014 12:03:57 +0000 Great stuff — thanks so much for this, it saved me having to figure out the cookie faff to make WordPress admin happy.

I added one more test to bypass varnish for the Jetpack site monitor, so that it actually tests the back end:

if (req.http.User-Agent ~ “^jetmon/”) {
/* Don’t cache so that jetpack can monitor backend health */
return (pass);


By: Guilherme Euler Tue, 24 Dec 2013 02:02:53 +0000 Hello friend,

When I try to start varnish with this VCL I get the following error:

Message from VCC-compiler:
Expected variable, string or semicolon
(input Line 10 Pos 38)
req.http.X-Forwarded-For + “, ” + client.ip;
Running VCC-compiler failed, exit 1
VCL compilation failed

What’s happening?

