Comments on: API-based Web Application with Backbone, Require.js and Slim framework Sat, 23 Apr 2016 06:20:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: vLight Wed, 15 Jan 2014 00:24:57 +0000 Aren’t undesroce.js and lo-dash almost the same?
If you prefer lo-dash’s templates, why not replace one with another (only if it possible of course)


By: Kirsten Fri, 27 Sep 2013 12:02:45 +0000 Nice work Lukasz, glad you’re making use of backbone, it’s a great JS framework (especially if you’re looking for good backwards compatibility in IE.

Pretty much all our work makes extensive use of this methodology: we’ll write a REST api and have a single page JS application handle handle the front-end rendering whilst updating via asynchronous calls. Here’s a good example of how we hooked backbone.js into faceted search powered by Elastic Search (damn, can’t add links! try google for Havells Sylvannia website and use their product finder)

We’re currently building a real-time trading app and are using Angular.js. I’d recommend you try it as we’ve had fantastic success, so much so that it’ll be our first port of call from now on (as opposed to backbone) unless we need to support archaic browsers!

I hope you’re keeping well: didn’t get chance to say goodbye.

