Distributed application in PHP with Apache Zookeeper

Apache ZooKeeper is the coolest technology I recently came across. I found it when I was doing a research about Solr Cloud features. I got very impressed by Solr’s distributed computing. You literately have to fire a new instance and it will automatically find its place in “the cloud”. It will assign itself to a […]
Apache2 vs Nginx for PHP application

Time is money. This somewhat shallow and overused saying fits perfectly well into any on-line business. Users are impatient and every millisecond brings them closer to leaving your website. If you’ve ever been trying to squeeze more out of hardware you must have come across Nginx (engine x). Nginx usually appears in context of PHP-FPM […]
Introduction to Test Driven Development

Yesterday I had a great pleasure to speak at Green Room about Test Driven Development. This was my first speech ever and despite the stress it was fun doing it. A warm thanks to all participants for joining us that evening and to UVD and Browser London for organising the event. I hope you’re going […]
Beginners guide to Amazon Cloud

Everybody heard about Amazon Cloud. It has been around for a good few years. Despite its popularity not everybody had a chance to try it. Amazon tries it best to get more people on board by offering “Micro” versions of their web service for free. If you are into technology or just want a quality […]
Faker – The ultimate Lorem Ipsum for PHP

From time to time we all have to work with data which doesn’t exist. The best example is web development. Front-end developers create HTML and CSS before any web content is created. The common practice is to use Lorem Impsum which proved to be effective strategy. It’s not much different with back-end programming. We need […]
Integrate PHP application with Solr search engine

So why do you need a search engine, is database not enough? If you create a small website it might not matter. With medium or big size applications it’s often wiser to go for a search engine. Saying that, even a small websites can benefit from Solr if you desire a high level of relevance […]
Boost WordPress performance with Varnish Cache

Lets face it, WordPress is slow. With every request it has to go though thousands lines of code and multiple SQL queries to render a page. Very popular configuration for a WordPress site is Apache, mod_rewrite, mod_php, PHP and MySQL. It’s very good setup but can’t be consider the fastest (at least without any additional […]
How to escape double quotes in Varnish regex

This is going to be the shortest post ever both might save hours to people who don’t know it yet. The good old fashion \” won’t work. Suggestion from the manual to use %22 doesn’t work either. Solution to this problem is regex ASCII escape “\x22″.
1 |
"\x22FooBar\x22" |
Simple as that but took me some time […]